Berikut adalah dokumen Jadwal Ujian Komprehensif Periode 2 Semester Genap TA 2024/2025:
Here is the document for the Comprehensive Examination Schedule for Period 2, Even Semester, Academic Year 2024/2025:
Dokumen PDF dapat diunduh pada tautan berikut:
The PDF document can be downloaded via the following link:
Untuk ujian komprehensif periode 2 s.d. 4 dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp 50.000,00/kedatangan yang dapat dibayarkan langsung kepada Pak Haryadi sebelum ujian dimulai.
For comprehensive exams for periods 2 to 4, a fee of Rp. 75,000.00/attendance is charged, which can be paid directly to Mr. Haryadi before the exam begins.