Pelayanan Tutup Teori Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2023/2024
Bagi mahasiswa yang telah memenuhi syarat, pendaftaran tutup teori untuk Semester Genap 2023/2024 dibuka dalam 2 tahap:
Pendaftaran Tahap I maksimal 6 Agustus 2024 pukul 23:59 WIB
Pendaftaran Tahap II maksimal 26 Agustus 2024 pukul 16:00 WIB
Berikut adalah hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan:
- Sebelum mengisi Form mahasiswa harap memperhatikan syarat-syarat untuk tutup teori.
- Syarat tutup teori sebagai berikut:
- Telah menempuh semua mata kuliah teori sesuai kurikulum yang berlaku dengan IPK minimal 2,25
- Mahasiswa boleh mengajukan tutup teori meskipun belum mengambil MK non teori (Ujian Komprehensif, KKN, Kerja Praktik, Penelitian dan Tugas Akhir Prarancangan Pabrik)
- Ketentuan nilai untuk mahasiswa dengan Kurikulum 2010:
- Lulus semua mata kuliah praktikum dengan nilai minimal C.
- Tidak memiliki nilai E.
- Nilai matakuliah universitas minimal C.
- Nilai D maksimal 10% dari total SKS
- Ketentuan nilai untuk mahasiswa dengan Kurikulum 2020: lulus semua mata kuliah dengan nilai minimal C.
- Daftar matakuliah universitas
- Pendidikan Agama
- Ibadah dan Akhlak
- Pendidikan Pancasila
- Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
- Pemikiran & Peradaban Islam
- Studi Kepemimpinan Islam
- Kewirausahaan
- Bahasa Inggris
- Mengisi form isian tutup teori dan dimintakan tanda tangan Dosen Pembimbing Akademik (DPA).
- Setelah formulir diisi lengkap, silakan upload melalui
- Prosedur tutup teori dilakukan secara ONLINE
Closure of Theory Service for Even Semester Academic Year 2023/2024
For students who have met the requirements, registration for the closure of theory for the Even Semester 2023/2024 will be opened in 2 stages:
- Stage I Registration: No later than August 6, 2024, at 23:59 WIB
- Stage II Registration: No later than August 26, 2024, at 16:00 WIB
Here are the important points to consider:
- Before filling out the form, students are advised to pay attention to the requirements for the closure of theory.
- The requirements for the closure of theory are as follows:
- Must have completed all theoretical courses according to the applicable curriculum with a minimum GPA of 2.25.
- Students may apply for the closure of theory even if they have not taken non-theoretical courses (Comprehensive Examination, KKN, Internship, Research, and Final Project Design).
- Grading criteria for students under the 2010 Curriculum:
- Pass all practical courses with a minimum grade of C.
- Must not have any grade of E.
- Minimum grade of C for university courses.
- Maximum of 10% of total credits can be graded D.
- Grading criteria for students under the 2020 Curriculum: Pass all courses with a minimum grade of C.
- List of university courses:
- Religious Education
- Worship and Morals
- Pancasila Education
- Citizenship Education
- Islamic Thought & Civilization
- Islamic Leadership Studies
- Entrepreneurship
- English Language
- Fill out the closure of theory form and request the signature of the Academic Advisor (DPA).
- After completing the form, please upload it via:
- The procedure for the closure of theory is conducted ONLINE.